Recipe for men x Emil Stegfeldt
Get to know our ambassador Emil Stegfeldt who spend most of his time skiing in the Austrian and Swedish slopes. We have taken part of his story, lifestyle, and how a day outdoors affects his skin. Take part of his winter routine, which helps his skin survive the harsh climates and make it possible to enjoy the slopes.
Tell us about yourself, who are you?
I am a guy who loves skiing, I always have. I have competed in both mogul ski and freeride in the junior national team and on the qualifying tour. At the age of 18, I landed a 5th place at the Scandinavian Big Mountain Championship. When I hurt my knee one winter and couldn’t ski on the same level as before, I started to film my lifestyle in the Alps. I have always liked being creative, and it was fun to document my days in the slopes. A long the way I could improve the quality of my vlogs and create videos that my followers appreciated. Documenting my lifestyle is what do for a living today, and I have the best followers that follows my journey.
How long have you been skiing?
I was standing on a pair of skis for the first time when I was 2 years old. As my parents loves to ski as much as I do, I grew up skiing. For me, it’s a big part of my life and who I am.
Where do you prefer to ski and why?
If I can choose, I go wherever I can find 20 inches of fresh snow and sunny weather… Otherwise, Åre in Sweden and the alps in Austria are places close to my heart.
Describe your typical day when skiing!
Every day is different, but I always start the day by saying good morning to my camera (the camera has become to be an important part of my ski equipment, almost like the skis themselves). After that I assess the conditions of the day - if there is a lot of new snow, I go up with the first lift to enjoy the untouched slopes. If it’s sunny and less snow I prefer to kick-off the day with a coffee somewhere in the slopes. After that we spend the day filming. When I get back home, I try to stretch, but most of the times I end up opening the computer and transfer the content from the day and starts editing.
Before a day skiing, how does your skincare routine look like?
When I am in the alps, I apply Facial Moisturizer + as soon as I get up from bed. After breakfast, just before I get out, I add some SPF 30 Face Cream. The sun is strong in the alps, it can burn even when its cloudy since we spend the day on such high altitude. In the evening I use Facial Cleanser, which I always keep in the shower together with my shower gel.
I finish up with Facial Moisturizer + and when i feel tired I add some Under Eye Gel. When its very cold outside, in the alps or in Sweden, I skip the morning routine and do it all when I get back home after a day in the slopes.
How does your life look like when not skiing?
I love to travel, drive fast cars, be on a boat or plan new projects. I find it hard to sit still for a whole day, but I really try to take a Sunday and just chill at home.
How does your skincare routine look like when you are home?
It is basically the same, but in the winter, I skip the SPF 30 Face Cream. As I spend a lot of time in front of the computer at home, I use more Under Eye Gel. For me, it’s key to keep it simple, as I don’t change my routine to much it makes it easy for me to get it done daily.
How does it feel to be an ambassador for Recipe for men?
Awesome! I am proud to represent such a great brand and try to inspire more boys and men to realize the importance of skincare. Especially when spending time in such extreme climates, as i do skiing. An extra fun thing is that the brand is started by a ski legend, who we all in my class at the ski high school looked up to, Jesper Rönnbäck.
Do you have any tips to get started with a skincare routine?
Buy a cleanser, place it in the shower and cleanse your face when you cleanse your body. It’s a good way to get reminded to get it done and to start a new habit. Use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. That’s it – a simple and effective routine.
Which is your favorite product? Why?
Facial Moisturizer + without a doubt! My skin needs all the love it can get after the ski slopes.
Emil's ski/winter routine
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